4000 years ago, massage was first used in ancient Chinese medicine and ever since inception; there have been various forms of massage that have been widely used today. For centuries, it has been used for treating various diseases, including diabetes; in about every culture around the world. Massage therapy is employed in muscles and other soft tissues of the body so as to improve health and well-being. Together with hot tub bath, massage can be effective on diabetes.
Diabetes is a chronic condition where there is an increase in the blood glucose levels which can cause adverse effects such as blurry vision, lack of blood clotting, fatigue, etc. on the body. Poor circulation is also a major problem for many diabetics. Massage and acupuncture are the most common natural treatments to manage diabetes. Both of these natural therapies will promote a sense of relaxation and triggers the production of endorphins.
Generally, massage is a form of passive exercise which is highly beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. Massage is a very powerful method that can improve the condition of diabetics as it helps them unwind their muscles. Most people are not aware that tension is being driven away from the nervous system (a major cause of diabetes) at the same time; muscles are being relieved from stress when undergoing massage.
Massage is a great stimulation technique that can create an improved sense of well being. There are different varieties of massaging techniques that are effective on diabetics. These methods will improve mental strength and aid relaxation. Techniques such as reflexology have been performed on a person with high blood glucose.
There are also advanced techniques which are intended to improve the condition of diabetics. These modern methods used today improve the diabetic’s condition by getting rid of unwanted toxins from the blood to improve the circulation of the blood. Other varieties of massage include soft tissue massage, kneading of muscles, and gentle stroking.
The masseuse massages the muscles to aid relaxation and manipulation of muscles. This is done to improve the patient’s health conditions. While treating diabetics, muscle relaxation and manipulation helps to reduce stress by alleviating the nervous system. Despite the fact that massage affects the whole body, it particularly influences the circulatory, nervous, lymphatic, and musculoskeletal systems. In addition to reducing stress and relieving muscle tension, massage also develops the feelings of calmness.
As stated above, massage helps in elimination of toxic and waste materials through the kidneys, bowels, lungs, and skin. It is recommended that diabetics seek advice from a professional massage therapist before undergoing any form of massage. There are lots of massage therapists these days; you have to be extremely careful to make sure you choose an experienced therapist.
Acupressure is notable for curing so many illnesses, including diabetes. Acupressure involves the stimulation of pressure points in a body to normalize and improve one’s health. While this may seem to be a good treatment for diabetes, patients are advised to speak with their doctor about undertaking this kind of treatment. Always remember you are responsible for your own health. Lastly, acupressure should only be done by a certified and experienced massage therapist. Set up an appointment with him/her and discuss the days of visits and what you expect after the treatment. To be sure, it is also worth it to ask questions on how successful he/she had had in the past.
Yoga reduces the blood sugar levels by unwinds the muscles and increasing their uptake of insulin. Yoga pumps fresh blood into the bloodstream so as to improve oxygenation in the body and cleansing of the lymph system. Furthermore, yoga postures stretch and massage the pancreas, helping it function more effectively.
The American Massage Therapy Association has revealed that only a 15-minute massage from a massage chair significantly lowered stress levels and improved the emotional state. For diabetics living with daily challenges, reducing stress and anxiety is a big step to overcoming diabetes.
A stiff joint is one of the commonest side effects of diabetes. It occurs when glucose levels are high, leading the connective muscles and tissues suffer a lowered range of motion or a lack of mobility. Massage improves the flexibility of the muscles and thickness myofascial system.
Insulin absorption, caused by poor circulation is the main challenge facing diabetes. Massage stimulates the lymph system and also promotes the cells to improve insulin absorption function.
Stress is known to trigger diabetes, but massage has a stress-relieving effect that helps lower the stress hormone and cortisol; hence, lowering blood sugar levels. Cortisol is responsible for increasing blood sugar levels!
On the other hand, massage muscle increases their ability to uptake sugar and convert it to energy. Studies made us understand that this is one effective method for controlling diabetes, especially in children.
After a massage, diabetic patients might feel light-headed, fatigued, and dizziness. It is very important for the massage therapist to test the blood sugar levels of their patients to know if they are suffering from low blood sugar.
Furthermore, diabetics must inform their doctors of their condition immediately they observe the symptoms. Reputable practitioners will take note of how their blood sugar levels respond to a massage. Generally, glucose levels drop between 20 and 40 milligrams per deciliter, depending on each individual’s reaction.
It is good to immediately meet with your physician before using massage chair or massage therapy. Be hopeful and expect positive results during your treatment plan.